Han Hu 胡瀚

Principal Researcher & Research Manager

Microsoft Research Asia

ancientmooner AT gmail DOT com

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Short Bio

Han Hu is a principal researcher and research manager at Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA). His current main interest is large AI models and artificial generic intelligence. He received his Ph.D and B.S. degrees from Tsinghua University from 2014 and 2008, respectively, under the supervision of Prof. Jie Zhou, with his doctoral thesis winning the China Association of Artificial Intelligence (CAAI)'s Doctoral Dissertation Award. He was a visiting student in University of Pennsylvania under supervision of Prof. Jianbo Shi from October, 2012 to April, 2013. Before he joined MSRA in Dec. 2016, he worked at Institute of Deep Learning (IDL), Baidu Research. His paper Swin Transofmrer won the ICCV2021 Best Paper Award (Marr Prize) and has been widely used in academia and industry. Besides, he has 6 papers ranking top-15 on the corresponding conferences (CVPR/ICCV) according to the PaperDigest Most Influential Papers. He is a recipient of 2022 MIT TR35 China (35 innovators under 35), due to the contribution to making machines see the visual world in the same way they understand language (see also a Chinese blog).


Selected Publication

(Interns *Equal Contribution)